Monday, March 1, 2010

Thought Of The Day beta 0.4

Are the Olympics important anymore? Seriously, I can't tell. I see it on TVs everywhere, and people talk about it...but is it important?
When I was younger it seemed like the Olympics were a big deal, like it was the only time all the counties in the world would come together. It was as if even if we didn't agree on politics, religion, or philosophy, we would put that aside for a greater tradition. It seemed like an effort then.
Now, whether it's because of the Internet or maybe just because I have my own issues to focus on, the Olympics seem more trivial. The bringing together of countries seems contrite and insincere. It's just another sporting event that fucks with my regularly scheduled program.
Ok, I generally use Hulu so that claim is kind of hollow, but you know what I mean. Has the world become too small to acknowledge the Olympics as something special? Do the Olympics even make sense, or has it simply become yet another huge commercial opportunity for sponsors and the local community to cash in on?
I think there is some kind of pride lost here. I don't even understand how the host city is picked. When there was a chance it was Chicago, all I could think was, "well, I guess I won't be visiting friends and family that year". O'hare is bad enough thank-you-very-much. Of course I have to wonder if it is just me, but I really don't think there is the same reverance as there once was.
I think the Olympics should be held on some island somewhere, or maybe one location for summer and one for winter. The same place everytime. No sponsors, no commercialism. Each country pools in money; not Nike and Coca-Cola. No interference with other communities' lives. No financial benefit to any one establishment. The countries pay for their athletes so they are invested. As it is, it might as well be a Monster Truck Rally.

Skiing...Sunday. SunDAY. SUNDAY!!!

Prove me wrong.

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