Wednesday, March 24, 2010

For The Ladies

Hello Ladies...look at your man, now back at this back at your man, now back at this blog. Sadly, your man is not, nor could he write, this blog. However, if he had a better education, used longer words and less grunting, and could think beyond the batting average of his favorite baseball player, he might sound like this blog.

Now look down, now up...where are you? Same place you were, but still reading this blog because it's interesting, probably because your man is not.

What's in your hand, now look at this blog. It's here, a URL for that thing you love...

Look again...the URL is now a URL for diamonds!

Anything is possible when you have the internet and stimulating, thought provoking reading material.

As far as you know, I might be on a horse...with wifi.

"Hi-oooo iPad...AWAY!


  1. I <3 you Tom!

  2. Oh, whoops, you probably will be disappointed to find out that "anonymous" is actually your dear old friend Michelle with whom you've always only had a platonic love. Wish I had better news for you. But I still <3 you. xoxo

  3. Well, that shoots down my dream that Evangeline Lilly was finally reading my blog.

    Still a nice sentiment I suppose. =)
