Friday, March 19, 2010

Blogurgitations - No. 1

RE: Beer Tic Tac Toe

With apologies to President Wishnack and his sister, I have to say that this game has the lowest replay value of any game ever devised.

He had the chance to go into more detail about the game himself, but no doubt did not want to offend the gift-giver, or perhaps he simply couldn't think of anything to say about it. I however was moved by the nanoscopic of descriptive forces to write about this wholly unentertaining game.

Here are the rules:

  1. Fill mini-steins with beer
  2. Play Tic-Tac-Toe
  3. Get bored and just drink the rest of the beer
As anyone who has ever played tic-tac-toe, statistically the person who goes first will win the game. So really, all this game does is slow down your intake of beer, and who wants that? The game would probably be vastly improved by switching out the mini-steins with real ones, then blindfolding the players who have to drink the stein's contents, spin around, and then try to place an X or an O correctly on the board. The person who most closely resembles a line of 3 in a row gets to use the bathroom first.


  1. no way man.

    first off, my sister doesn't even use the internet.

    but more importantly, three of these mega-shots is equal to one beer. so in that case, at the end of this [very simple] game, you've drank at least a beer and a half. i don't think that's slow by any means.

    besides the "rules" are:

    1. fill mini-steins with alcohol (i.e. liquor, wine, beer, everclear. or even a mix of all of it)
    2. play tic-tac-toe

    i'll agree it needs work, but my story of the game was much more relevant to my "romantic night"-- which was made twice as classy with the game of beer tac toe.

  2. Maybe your not doing it right
