Friday, July 16, 2010

Where Trivia Comes From

I'm sure some of you think that Trivia comes from Trivialvania. You are obviously stupid and I don't want you reading my blog. On second thought, I think I only have two readers in spite of having three subscribers, so go ahead and read it, but as soon as I have thousands of readers, please go away. Seriously.

Where was I...oh yes, trivia. According to most dictionaries, trivia is defined as...

pieces of information of little importance or value

It is arguable that any piece of information that exists has, or has had, some significance at some point in time, otherwise why would it even exist?! Trivia, whatever it's original purpose now finds it's primary purpose is to drive millions of alcoholics, or would-be alcoholics, to bars and pubs across the nation in a socially acceptable manner. It is for that very reason that I tend to latch onto odd bits of trivia I stumble upon. I'm not officially an alcoholic yet, but I have lofty goals of achieving it.

Here is the place in the post where I bring "trivia" and "stupid" together in a way that looks like I planned the whole thing from the beginning. Many years ago, before everything was in Wikipedia, people would actually discover new things that people had never seen or heard about before. These people were probably rich, or stupid, or...well, I already said "rich" didn't I. Rich people probably discovered a lot because one, they had the money to do it, and two, they were the only ones who could take four month vacations without their family starving to death. Anyway, these people were probably "on safari" complaining about the heat when they saw an odd thing standing next to a tree, that had a very long neck, and was yellowish with brown spotty patches. Being not particularly clever people, they saw SPOTS and LONG LEGS as the dominant characteristics. The one thing they knew had spots was a leopard. Disney had not yet released 101 Dalmatians apparently. Also, the one thing they knew had knobby, long legs was...a camel. So being the amazing, creativity-barren people that they were, they called this creature a camelopard. Brilliant.

Have you guessed what it is yet? (What blows me away is that my spell-checker actually knew how to spell camelopard)

Anyway, this is the odd video that turned me onto this bit of trivia along with an alternative to my stupidity theory.

Heh...the new, compact, selfish dog.

What's even more interesting is that I was led from the previous video to THIS one..

Seriously, nothing could be cooler that having trivia eventually lead to a hot woman with a sexy foreign accent. Probably what is even sexier is that she actually knows the history of the camelopard, rather than a far-fetched theory, which puts her one up on the rich, stupid people....I mean Greeks. See I learned more trivia. I also learned that David Mitchell has some other funny stuff and even better, he has an iPad/iPhone app for his rants. See, now I even squeezed some tech in there.

So, if you bothered to read this all the way through, you are probably not as dumb as when you came and if you keep it up I won't have to kick you off after those 1000 readers pile up.

There is also a good chance you are watching those other Hot For Words videos and have a woody.


  1. i'm too afraid to watch any video that has a hotel foreign women and the word "camel" attached to it while at work.

    at home, i suppose.

    in terms of goofy words, suess invented "nerd" and carroll invented "galumph"-- i invented "gimptard"

    no big deal.

  2. I supposed if I had to talk to hotels all day getting room deal and free champagne for annoying customers, I'd be worried too.

    All videos are SFW though.

    It wasn't the goofiness of the word that offended me. Nerd, galumph, and gimptard all have an element of creativity. Slapping camel and leopard together awkwardly to name an animal that looks like neither seems both uncreative and just plain stupid to me.

  3. i need to quit this job. i meant "HOT foreign women" and not hotel. wtv.

    i agree with your reasons behind hating camelopard though.

