Some people think Google is just going to
gooble gobble everything up, information-wise. It is sometimes a bit disconcerting that Google's online apps have so much of our critical information, so much so that it can target ads to us and even mistakenly
make our entire contact list open to the public. But the other day, Google's voracious information gathering came to my rescue...or least prevented a panic attack.
See, I sometimes compose blog posts on my iPhone when I'm riding the bus, or in a waiting room, and I have a number of tools to do this. One iPhone app I have, called iBlogger, can post directly to Blogger, and also allow me to make changes to other posts on the site. I had started one of my Thought of The Day posts in iBlogger, but finished it online, so there were only a couple of lines of text in the iPhone app. Lately the app has been crashing whenever I try to sync posts with Blogger and I thought it might be because I had two different versions of the ToTD post, so I deleted it from the iBlogger app. Weeeelllll, that was a mistake. Apparently the app can still sync
some things, and since the posts were named the same, yep you guessed it, it deleted the entire post from the site with no way to get it back! Or so I thought!
I remembered that if Google has recorded a web page in it's search results, it will generally keep a cached version of the page from a few days previous. Since Google owns Blogger, I thought I had a pretty good chance of it being stored. Huzzah! It was, and I was able to copy the text and repost the article.
Safe to say I may stop using iBlogger for my posts, especially since it hasn't been updated in about a year now. I'll stick to Writeroom which syncs to a web database from which I can just copy text into my blog editor and post. Not quite as convenient, but also not heart attack inducing. So, it is safe to say that for at least some instances, having someone that records all your information is a pretty helpful thing.
As a side note, I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm an Apple fan-boy. I could create a fairly lengthy post just listing all the Macs and Apple products I own, and have owned (actually I still own almost all of them). I may have drank plenty of the Apple Kool-aid, and been wooed by Steve Jobs' Reality Distortion Field, but I
will take them to task when they mess up.
There has been a lot of Apple and Google fighting in the tech news, since they are now competing for some of the same market-share, and this makes me somewhat sad. It's kind of like being a kid in a family where the parents argue all the time and you are afraid they will get divorced, and then it will get all awkward because they don't speak to each other and you don't want to play favorites, you just want them back together. So, I just want Apple to know, I love you both equally! I hope you and Google can make up and at least be friends.
Well, it is harder to lick Google products. I need to excuse myself now.
Olivia Munn...mmmmmmm!