Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Twas The Night After Christmas - Part One

(ok, a FEW nights! I've been busy, so sue me)

And all through the apartment complex
Not a creature was stirring...except for my noisy, upstairs neighbors who really don't care who they inconvenience…


The stockings were all scattered
On the floor with disdain
Because without my own washer
Laundry is really a pain
Some kids were skateboarding below on the street
With plans to tag our garage doors and make a hasty retreat

With me in my boxers, and Spock Bear close by
I jumped under the covers for some much needed shut-eye
When all of a sudden there arose such a fuss
I jumped out of bed and started to cuss
I threw open the window and looked out on the 'hood
But nothing was happening so it did me no good

[Part Two is under negotiation while the screenwriters argue about where the plot is going.]

This is Spock Bear.


  1. haha, that is super rad.

    "Some kids were skateboarding below on the street
    With plans to tag our garage doors and make a hasty retreat"

    you should continue it

  2. Please continue!

  3. Don't worry, more parts are coming. I just have to work out the plot!

    Also, that keeps people coming back for more. =)
