Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Creative Impotence

Other than the title, we're just going to skip past further sexual metaphors and references that may be hanging there ready to drop. Anyone who follows this blog knows it doesn't get updated all that often, much to my own dismay. In my defense, I'm also trying to write for four other blogs, some which may actually produce revenue at some point. Currently I have four drafted posts for this blog that are about half finished, and a few waiting in the back of my addled brain ready to disgorge themselves.

I said no sexual references, so stop thinking what you are thinking now.

So as far as writing goes, it is less impotence and more impetus (you're on the web, go look it up). However, I decided that getting these things posted wasn't difficult enough so I decided to add another level of complexity. Since I like to add a photo with each post, whether relevant or not, I thought I would mix it up by drawing the images myself in order to stimulate my visual creativity (and save time flipping through Google images). My inspiration comes from the blog CHAOS, NONSENSE & TOURISTS whose author frequently features some of his own drawings. Ignoring that fact that his drawings make feel completely incompetent, I figured it might at least encourage me to draw more since I haven't done any significant drawing since college.

"Well, at least I know I can draw boxes."

Here is where we get into a real problem. I suffer from "white page syndrome". I'm sure many people know what I'm talking about, but an interesting note…there is no official definition of it; none that I've found anyway. For me, the problem is much more prevalent in drawing than writing. Making those first lines on the paper can be an arduous process. Add to that the fact that I'm generally never happy with the results even after I get started. I had a discussion with President Wishnack about this and he claims few people ever end up drawing exactly what is in their head, so I guess my problem is that I'm too OCD not to care. I'd be more than happy to take part in an experiment to hook up a human brain to a photocopier or laser printer.

So what I guess I'm saying is, be prepared to see some really crappy art on the blog. Or a lot of LOLCATS.



  1. i was psyched to see your squares readied up at lunch the other day.

    draw a penguin pooping on god's doorstep!

  2. Couldn't you have suggested something easier, like god's beachball‽
