Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm Not Dead Yet

Given that I haven't posted anything in 2010 yet, I feared that the whole two people who read this blog might be worried I had died at a New Years Eve party or something. This is actually ridiculous because I'm pretty sure both of them are Facebook friends and have seen numerous examples of obnoxious status updates in the last few days. Anyway, since the final chapter of the poem hasn't come to me in a flash of inspiration, nor have I had the time to flesh out some of the post ideas I've been brewing…here is a stock photo of a parakeet playing chess.

"Life was easier when I just had to get up early and find worms."


  1. I've been informed that THREE people are reading my blog…through Facebook anyway. I guess it's time to start thinking about writing that novel.

  2. that parakeet looks like he's thinking about his next move very carefully.

    but he's probably just trying to pretend he doesn't notice the human with a very large piece of metal and glass aimed at his bird-head.

  3. Ah, now you have another follower - as recommended by pres~ Don'tcha let me down.
