Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Weekly Gripe #2: Idiots behind the wheel.

Do you own a car? Do you drive it? Then you are probably a moron.

While it may be possible that you, the Reader, are not a moron, the numbers favor that you are and that you have done something really stupid in your car recently.

Which one of the following have you done at least once this week...?

1. Pulled into the middle of a backed up intersection hoping that traffic would pull forward before the light turned red, intead of waiting, ultimately blocking cross traffic and the pedestrian walkway. All that so YOU could gain a carlength of progress, ending up right behind the same car if you had waited and not inconvenienced a dozen other people.

2. Nearly hitting a pedestrian or car pulling out because you had your cell in one hand and coffee/newspaper/wallet/hamburger in the other hand.

3. Nearly causing a 5 car pile-up because you should have been paying attention and are now trying to cross 2+ lanes to make a turn instead of going around the block or taking the next exit, because it's "inconvenient".

4. Stopping at a red light, blocking the pedestrian crossing...and STILL inching forward because those few extra inches will get you where you are going sooooo much quicker.

5. Blocking the sidewalk or lane of traffic while you wait for someone to relinquish their precious parking space.

6. Double parking on a narrow, busy street to run an errand because the rules don't apply to YOU.

7. Honked violently at non moving traffic like the person responsible can even hear you. Yeah, go ahead and just annoy the hell out of everyone in earshot.

8. Repeatedly honk outside the building where you are picking somebody up, waking up everyone in the building, ruining television dialog, whatever...YOU don't live there.

Ohh...I could go on.

Let's try to get the moron count down before I start carrying a steel club, ok?

1 comment:

  1. i don't drive or own a car. and i have never had a driver's license.

    (in fairness, i am still definitely a moron.)

    but i agree with you solidly. especially the fools who sneak into the middle of the intersection and get stuck there and fuck everything up for everyone (i.e. tour buses who are a very precise schedule and can't sit around waiting for you to drive like a retard and block traffic)
