Thursday, April 1, 2010

Why Can't Women Be More Like Sandwiches?

Updated…for your reading pleasure. Two reads for one post…whatta deal!

You know, I can't for the life of me remember what prompted this title, but I felt it was too good to not use, if only for its controversial overtones.

Sexual references aside, let's examine why one might want a woman to be like a sandwich. It might trigger something. It should be said that it is perfectly resonable, as a woman, to wish men were more like sandwiches, but you'll have to write about it on your own blog because I'm not going to go there.
Ok, so a good sandwich has lots of toppings, but that doesn't translate well since I'm not a fan of a lot of makeup, but an attractively dressed woman is always nice, as is an attractively dressed sandwich.

I guess I could be snarky and say things like, sandwiches don't argue with you, you can just make a sandwich and go because sandwiches don't keep trying on different meats and know, the usual stereotypes. I think the original idea was simpler than that. The sandwich represents something simpler, and relationships can be difficult.

The effort you put into making a sandwich is almost always rewarded with the eating of the sandwich. It's usually a 1:1 relationship. Hopefully the energy you put into a relationship is returned in an equally rewarding result, but sometimes that may not be the case. People are generally more complicated than sandwiches, let's face it. I think it goes without saying that the company of a woman (for myself anyway) is probably preferred over that of a sandwich, but some days….you just need a sandwich.

Trust me, you do not want to do a Google image search for "sandwich girl" without SafeSearch on!


  1. so you found this picture AFTER the post? i would've thought the picture prompted the post.

    google images is a strange, perverted place. if you're not accidentally running across beheaded bodies, it's anime porn or rape porn.

  2. Oh yeah, pictures always come after. I try to pick something that captures the tone of the post, or is in direct conflict with it. It's kind of like a mandatory afterthought.

    For this post, the title came first, which generally comes second after I figure out what I'm writing about.

  3. how is a raven like a writing desk?

  4. Ummm…they are both in your question?
    Both used by Edgar Allan Poe?
    One is a sick duck, the other….
    They both like sandwiches?
    I give up.

  5. Oh, and I notice you aren't following my blog..hmmmmmm?

  6. demanding!

  7. i just checked and you aren't following my blog either. the gall, mr. hesser, the gall!

  8. I couldn't figure out how, you don't have the Google Friend Connect button on your blog.
