Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Tyranny of Expectation

So, there I was having a nice conversation when BLAMMO!…out of nowhere I was asked, "Have you updated your blog? I stopped checking".

And there it was, the looming shadow of expectation…and guilt. Frankly, I didn't think anyone was even checking, and I guess I was right, but it was my own fault. Then the second blow came when I went to check out some other friends' blogs and darn it, some of them are quite literate. The ones who aren't are funny though, which makes up for a lot.

Where does that leave me? Somewhere between inspiration and oppression. Does my ego really demand that I share my inner creativity with the world. Does it require recognition to warm my soul? And to receive that recognition from an audience requires consistency.

So I have to decide, does creativity drive my writing, or the demands of an audience? Most likely, I'm just putting off something more "important". [air quotes]


  1. i think you have a wonderful combination of writing skills and humor.

    which means almost no matter what you're writing about, people are going to enjoy reading. i mean, at least i will.

    heck, i write about poop more than i write about anything else and i haven't had a complaint yet.

    and if someone complains i'll just make the next article a picture of their face drawn in my poop.

    point is, write whatever, people will read it.

  2. Thanks, I appreciate the ego boost.
